Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Profiting From Google’s Success

Google made $6.138 billion in revenue last year. With over 91 million searches a day they have become the most recognised site on the internet. Not bad for a company that’s been around for less then 10 years. The question is; can you use their success to create yourself a profit?

Well there are two ways doing it. Firstly through ‘Google AdSense’ and secondly through ‘Google AdWords’. Putting it basically, ‘Google AdSense’ pays you to show their ads where as you pay ‘Google AdWords’ to show your ads. The one I want to talk about today is AdWords; I will mention AdSense at a later date.

So let’s look at it more closely. AdWords offers you advertising space on, where you ‘Pay per Click’ (PPC). So every time someone clicks on your ad you pay an agreed amount. $0.03 is the minimum. If you want your ad to be shown above the others you offer to pay more per click. Then you have Keywords which you look at individually, but I won’t go in to too much detail.

And how do you make money from something you have to pay for? The answer is affiliating. You promote pages from which you will receive a commission. Ok, that may not sound so simple but it’s hard enough to explain. But the idea is that you become a member of an ‘Affiliate Network’ site and from that site you choose a company site to promote. You then get a unique link from them which you can use to promote them. The company site will either offer a percentage of the amount spent through your link or offer you a set amount per ‘sign up’ or ‘lead’. Let me give you a run-through:

You sign up to ‘Commission Junction’ and search through the companies. Suddenly you spot eBay and you see that they pay $10 per ‘sign up’. You decide that this could be a very profitable campaign so you become an eBay partner with a single click and get your referral links. You then proceed to your AdWords and set up you ad. You do some research on Google and notice that there are no ads for the search keyword ‘Action Man’. You build your ad along the lines of “Get Latest Action Man On eBay!” and insert your referral link. As there are no other ads with that Keyword you pay the minimum of $0.03 per click through. Now say that every 1 in 50 people that click through sign up (probably would be closer to 1 in 20). That will cost you $6 on AdWords but you get a $10 in your ‘Commission Junction’ account. That’s a clean $4 dollars profit. Now considering the 91 million searches a day… You are likely to get a hell of a lot more click-throughs than 50 a day. That’s your 1st campaign set up for automated income.

Hopefully I have been able to give you a more or less understandable insight of what the project involves and now you could, if you wanted, try and start your Google campaign based of what I have written. If you are really serious about it there is the eBook, GoogleCash which goes in to more detail over what I have just told you. The features of the eBook include: A downloadable 87 page PDF ebook, examples of profitable campaigns the author has run, access to the author's personal resource of marketing ebooks and tools, free email support from the author and a 3 month, money-back guarantee.

Now please listen carefully. The eBook costs $67 and believe me it was worth it. But I only to people that have a drive to make money. There is some work involved through the forms of Keyword research and so on. If you just want to give it a go, work from what I have told you. You can contact me if you need any help. Here are a few links to get you started:

(Where I got my information from)

(Contains products where you recieve up to 75% commission)
(Where you will find the big companies like eBay)

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